On May 6, 2020, the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia adopted the Decision on Lifting the State of Emergency (hereinafter: Decision), which was introduced on March 15, 2020. The Decision was published on the same day in the “Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia”, No. 65/2020 and came into force immediately.
Although the state of emergency has been lifted and the curfew cancelled, certain emergency measures such as two-metre social distance, contacts such as hugging and hand shaking, will have to be avoided, and the ban of public events remain in force. Walks are allowed, but not in groups, wearing gloves and masks will be mandatory in public transport vehicles, restaurants and cafes. Crisis taskforce will continue operating, and testing ensuring full safety and work on preventing a potential second wave of the epidemic will be continued as well.
In addition to the Decision, the Law on the Validity of the Decrees Passed by the Serbian Government During the State of Emergency with a Co-signature of the President of the Republic and Confirmed by the Serbian Parliament was adopted as well. 15 decrees related to assistance to the business sector and agribusiness, road transport, deadlines for submitting financial reports and administrative procedures will remain in force until the adoption of related laws, while 11 decrees that were in force during the state of emergency were abolished.
Also, the Decree on Preventive Measures for Safe and Healthy Work for Prevention of Dissemination of COVID-19 Infectious Disease Caused by SARS-CoV-2(hereinafter: Decree) is currently in preparation and it is expected that it will be adopted soon. The Decree prescribes the preventive measures that the employer is obliged to fulfil to ensure safe work and health of employees, as well as people found in the work environment, for prevention of dissemination of COVID-19.
Decree regulates obligation of the employer to adopt a Plan of preventive measures and activities for the prevention of appearance and spreading the infectious disease COVID-19 caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus (hereinafter: Plan) for all workplaces in the work environment, no later than 15 days after the entry into force of the Decree.
Decree also regulates mandatory content of the Plan and among other things the Plan shall include provisions relating to:
- Preventive measures and activities for the prevention of appearance and spreading the infectious disease COVID-19 caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus;
- Assignments for the implementation and control of the implementation of preventive measures and activities and
- Measures and activities to be followed in case that infectious disease COVID-19 caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus appears.
Also, the Plan shall contain provisions related to the obligations of employees regarding the implementation of preventive measures of safety and health at work to preserve their health, as well as the health of other employees.
Inspection supervision over the implementation of this Decree will be performed by the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs through labour inspectors. Decree prescribes penal provisions which determine high fines for employers and employees who violate the rules prescribed by the Decree.
On May 6, 2020, the Supreme Court of Cassation has published on its Internet page the Instruction on the work of courts as part of the application of measures of preventing the spread of the virus SARS-CoV-2 (hereinafter: Instruction). Measures specified in the Instruction prescribe obligation of thorough cleaning and disinfection of workspace and equipment before the commencement of work, as well as proper handling of existing running water installations to ensure adequate quality of drinking water. At the entrance to the facilities it is necessary to place disinfection barriers and hand disinfection dozers, while the use of protective masks and gloves is mandatory for both employees and visitors of the court. Likewise, upon entering the facility a body temperature check, performed by using handheld remote meters, is mandatory for all persons, as well as maintaining social distance during their stay at the facility. The number of persons present in the facility is limited to a necessary minimum. In addition to the above, carrying out workspace and equipment disinfection after each use is also prescribed, as well as adequate equipping of sanitary facilities.
Finally, on May 7, 2020, the High Court Council passed the Conclusion which determines that the conditions for normalization of work of the courts in Republic of Serbia are met beginning from May 11, 2020. Conclusion introduces Rules of procedure for employees and parties within courts regarding the protection of health and prevention of further spread of the epidemics caused by COVID-19 virus, which further elaborates measures from the Instruction.
Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Igor Živkovski, Živković Samardžić Partner, or any of your regular contacts at Živković Samardžić.
U Srbiji ukinuti vanredno stanje i policijski čas
Dana 6. maja 2020. godine Narodna skupština Republike Srbije usvojila je Odluku o ukidanju vanrednog stanja (u daljem tekstu: Odluka), koje je uvedeno dana 15. marta 2020. godine. Odluka je istog dana objavljena u „Službenom glasniku Republike Srbije”, br. 65/2020 i odmah je stupila na snagu.
Iako su ukinuti vanredno stanje i policijski čas, određene vanredne mere kao što su socijalna distanca od dva metra, izbegavanje kontakta kao što su grljenje i rukovanje, kao i zabrana javnih okupljanja ostaju na snazi. Šetnje su dozvoljene, ali ne u grupama, obavezno je nošenje rukavica i maski u javnom prevozu, restoranima i kafićima. Krizni štabovi će nastaviti sa radom, a testiranja kako bi se osigurala potpuna bezbednost i rad na prevenciji potencijalnog drugog talasa epidemije će se takođe nastaviti.
Uz Odluku, Zakon o važenju uredaba koje je Vlada uz supotpis predsednika Republike donela za vreme vanrednog stanja i koje je Narodna skupština potvrdilatakođe je usvojen. 15 uredbi koje se odnose na pomoć privredi i poljoprivredi, drumskom saobraćaju, rokove za podnošenje finansijskih izveštaja i rokove u upravnim postupcima nastavljaju da važe do stupanja na snagu odgovarajućih zakona, dok je 11 uredbi koje su bile na snazi tokom vanrednog stanja prestalo da važi.
Takođe, Uredba o preventivnim merama za bezbedan i zdrav rad za spečavanje i širenje zarazne bolesti COVID-19 izazvane virusom SARS-CoV-2(u daljem tekstu: Uredba) je u pripremi i očekuje se da će uskoro biti usvojena. Uredbomse propisuju preventivne mere koje je poslodavac dužan da ispuni da bi obezbedio siguran rad i zdravlje zaposlenih, kao i lica koja se zateknu u radnoj okolini, radi sprečavanja i širenja COVID-19.
Uredba predviđa obavezu poslodavca da za sva radna mesta u radnoj okolini, donese Plan preventivnih mera i aktivnosti za sprečavanje pojave i širenja zarazne bolesti COVID-19 izazvane virusom SARS-CoV-2 (u daljem tekstu: Plan) u roku od 15 dana od dana stupanja na snagu Uredbe.
Uredbom je propisana obavezna sadržina Plana i između ostalog Plan mora da sadrži odredbe koje se odnose na:
- Preventivne mere i aktivnosti za sprečavanje pojave zarazne bolesti COVID-19 izazvane virusom SARS-CoV-2;
- Zaduženje za sprovođenje i kontrolu sprovođenja preventivnih mera i aktivnosti i
- Mere i aktivnosti za postupanje u slučaju pojave zarazne bolesti COVID-19 izazvane virusom SARS-CoV-2.
Takođe, Plan mora da sadrži odredbe koje se odnose na obaveze zaposlenog u vezi sa sprovođenjem preventivnih mera bezbednosti i zdravlja na radu kako bi sačuvao svoje zdravlje, kao i zdravlje drugih zaposlenih.
Inspekcijski nadzor nad primenom ove Uredbe vršiće Ministarstvo za rad, zapošljavanjе, boračka i socijalna pitanja preko inspektora rada. Uredbom su propisane kaznene odredbe koje određuju visoke novčane kazne za poslodavce i zaposlene koji krše pravila propisana Uredbom.
Dana 6. maja 2020. godine Vrhovni kasacioni sud je na svojoj Internet stranici objavio Instrukciju za rad sudova u sklopu primene mera prevencije širenja virusa SARS-CoV-2 (u daljem tekstu: Instrukcija). Merama navedenim u Instrukciji predviđena je obaveza detaljnog čišćenja i dezinfekcije prostora i opreme pre početka rada, kao i postupanje sa postojećim instalacijama tekuće vode radi obezbeđivanja odgovarajućeg kvaliteta vode za piće. Na ulazu u objekte neophodno je postaviti dezo-barijere i dozere za dezinfekciju ruku, dok je za zaposledne i posetioce suda obavezna upotreba zaštitnih maski i rukavica. Takođe, prilikom ulaska u objekat obavezna je provera telesne temperature ručnim daljinskim meračima, svim licima, kao I održavanje socijalne distance tokom boravka u objektu. Broj prisutnih osoba u objektu je ograničen na neophodni minimum. Pored navedenog, propisano je i sprovođenje dezinfekcije prostora i opreme nakon svakog korišćenja, kao i adekvatno opremanje sanitarnih prostorija.
Konačno, 7. maja 2020. godine Visoki savet sudstva doneo je Zaključak kojim je utvrđeno da se stiču uslovi za normalizaciju rada sudova u Republici Srbiji počev od 11. maja 2020. godine. Zaključkom se uvode Pravila postupanja zaposlenih i stranaka u sudovima zbog zaštite zdravlja i sprečavanja daljeg širenja epidemije izazvane virusom COVID-19, koja dodatno razrađuju mere iz Intrukcije. Ako imate pitanja u vezi sa ovom temom, kontaktirajte Igora Živkovskog, partnera u advokatskoj kancelariji Živković Samardžić ili Vašu osobu za redovan kontakt u advokatskoj kancelariji Živković Samardžić.