On March 24th 2020, the Government of the Republic of Serbia rendered the Decree on deadlines in administrative proceedings during the state of emergency, in order to protect citizens in the event of non-compliance with the deadlines in all administrative proceedings.
This Decree implies that during the state of emergency, starting on March 15th 2020, citizens will not bear the consequences of their failure to comply with the deadlines prescribed or determined in accordance with the laws governing general administrative proceedings or special administrative proceedings.
The Decree stipulates that the delivery of submissions and notification actions that have been made during the state of emergency, from which non-extendable deadlines begin to run, will be considered to have been completed 15 days from the date of termination of the state of emergency. Farthermore, the deadlines that expire during the state of emergency, relating to undertaking administrative actions, terminating administrative proceedings and deciding upon declared legal remedies, will be extended by 30 days from the end of the state of emergency. Finally, the deadlines for filing a legal remedy against the oral decision of a competent authority issued in the application of emergency measures to prevent the spread of a contagious COVID-19 disease during the state of emergency, as well as to submit a request for written resolution of that decision, shall begin to run from the end of the state of emergency.
For any additional questions regarding the course of administrative proceedings during the state of emergency, please follow our announcements or contact our dispute resolution team, Milos Milosevic milos.milosevic@zslaw.rs and Ivan Ljubisavljevic ivan.ljubisavljevic@zslaw.rs , as well as the regular contact office@zslaw.rs.
Uredba o primeni rokova u upravnim postupcima za vreme trajanja vanrednog stanja
Dana 24.03.2020. godine Vlada Republike Srbije je donela Uredbu o primeni rokova u upravnim postupcima za vreme trajanja vanrednog stanja (“Službeni glasnik RS”, broj 41 od 24. marta 2020), u cilju zaštite građana u slučaju nepostupanja u zakonski propisanom roku u svim upravnim postupcima.
Ova Uredba podrazumeva da za vreme trajanja vanrednog stanja, počev od 15.03.2020. godine, građani ne mogu snositi posledice zbog svog nepostupanja u rokovima propisanim ili određenim u skladu sa zakonima kojima se uređuju opšti upravni postupak ili posebni upravni postupci.
Uredbom je propisano da će se dostavljanje pismena i radnje obaveštavanja koje su izvršene za vreme trajanja vanrednog stanja, a od kojih počinju da teku rokovi koji se ne mogu produžiti, smatrati izvršenim 15 dana od dana prestanka vanrednog stanja. Takođe, rokovi koji ističu za vreme vanrednog stanja, a koji se odnose na preduzimanje upravnih radnji, okončanje upravnih postupaka i odlučivanje po izjavljenim pravnim sredstvima, produžiće se za 30 dana od prestanka vanrednog stanja. Najzad, rokovi za izjavljivanje pravnog sredstva protiv usmenog rešenja nadležnog organa donetog u primeni hitnih mera radi sprečavanja širenja zarazne bolesti COVID-19 tokom vanrednog stanja, kao i za podnošenje zahteva za dostavljanje pismenog otpravka tog rešenja, počinju da teku od prestanka vanrednog stanja.
Ukoliko imate dodatna pitanja u vezi sa tokom upravnih postupaka za vreme trajanja vanrednog stanja, pratite naše objave ili se obratite našem timu za rešavanje sporova, Milošu Miloševiću milos.milosevic@zslaw.rs i Ivanu Ljubisavljeviću ivan.ljubisavljevic@zslaw.rs , kao i na adresu za redovan kontakt office@zslaw.rs .