The Business Registers Agency (hereinafter: BRA) suspended direct contacts with its customers at the counters of the BRA until the end of the proclaimed state of emergency or the adoption of an additional act of the Government of the Republic of Serbia. Due to the closure of its counters, the BRA has intensified the work of its Info Center, enabling more effective communication with the customers who have questions about the administrative tasks they need to perform with the BRA in the context of the state of emergency proclaimed because of the COVID-19 pandemic. All phone numbers, as well as the registers’ e-mail addresses which the customers can use to ask questions, are published on the website of the BRA.
Customers can continue using the following BRA’s e-services: e-Registration of incorporation of a single-member and multi-member limited liability company (hereinafter: LLC), e-Incorporation of Sole Proprietors, e-Construction permits, e-Submission of financial statements and e-filing with the Central Records of Beneficial Owners. All other registration applications, documentation and requests should be submitted in paper form, through postal operators, to the headquarters of the BRA, located at No. 25 Brankova Street, 11000 Belgrade.
However, although since October 17, 2018, the BRA has enabled on-line registration of incorporation of a single-member LLC, and on-line registration of incorporation of a multi-member LLC since June 28, 2019, as for such registration of incorporation it is necessary for the applicant to possess a qualified electronic certificate (electronic signature) issued by a certification body in the Republic of Serbia, in the current circumstances, the possibility of incorporation of LLC in this way is very limited and practically impossible when it comes to foreign nationals, given that a personal takeover of the electronic signature is required.
In accordance with the Decree on Application of Deadlines in Administrative Procedure during the State of Emergency (hereinafter: Decree), during the state of emergency in the Republic of Serbia the parties cannot bear the consequences of failing to comply with the time limits prescribed by law, so this provision should also be taken into account when assessing the timeliness of registrations, appeals and other remedies.
Also, according to the Decree, all deadlines prescribed by the Company Law shall be interrupted and shall continue to run from the date of the termination of the state of emergency. The above applies to the initiated procedures for forced liquidation of companies, whether a notice for the company having met the reasons for the forced liquidation was published on the website of the BRA, or the decision of the Registrar to initiate the procedure of forced liquidation was issued and published.
Should you have any questions regarding this matter, follow our publications and/or contact Igor Živkovski, Živković Samardžić Corporate and M&A Partner, or any of your regular contacts at Živković Samardžić.
Postupci pred Agencijom za privredne registre tokom vanrednog stanja
Agencija za privredne registre (u daljem tekstu: APR) obustavila je rad sa strankama putem neposrednog kontakta, odnosno na šalterima APR-a, do dana prestanka vanrednog stanja ili do donošenja drugog akta Vlade Republike Srbije. Zbog zatvaranja šaltera, APR je pojačala rad Info centra, radi efikasnije komunikacije sa korisnicima koji imaju pitanja u vezi sa administrativnim poslovima koje treba da obave u APR-u u okolnostima vanrednog stanja izazvanog pandemijom COVID-19. Svi telefoni, kao i e-mail adrese registara putem kojih korisnici mogu postavljati pitanja, objavlјeni su na Internet stranici APR-a.
Korisnicima su i dalјe na raspolaganju sledeći eServisi APR-a: eRegistracija osnivanja jednočlanog i višečlanog društva sa ograničenom odgovornošću (u daljem tekstu: DOO), eRegistracija osnivanja preduzetnika, eGrađevinske dozvole, eDostavlјanje finansijskih izveštaja i Centralna evidencija stvarnih vlasnika. Sve ostale registracione prijave, dokumentacija i zahtevi šalju se u pisanoj formi, putem poštanskih operatora, na adresu sedišta APR-a, u Brankovoj 25, 11 000 Beograd.
Ipak, iako je od 17. oktobra 2018. godine u APR-u omogućeno osnivanje jednočlanog DOO, a od 28. juna 2019. godine i osnivanje višečlanog DOO elektronskim putem, kako je za registraciju takvog osnivanja potrebno da podnosilac prijave poseduje kvalifikovani elektronski sertifikat (elektronski potpis) izdat od sertifikacionog tela u Republici Srbiji, u trenutnim okolnostima mogućnost osnivanja na ovaj način veoma je ograničena, a praktično nemoguća kada su u pitanju strani državljani imajući u vidu da se zahteva lično preuzimanje elektronskog potpisa.
U skladu sa Uredbom o primeni rokova u upravnim postupcima (u daljem tekstu: Uredba), za vreme vanrednog stanja u Republici Srbiji stranke ne mogu snositi posledice nepostupanja u zakonom propisanim rokovima, pa će se ova odredba uzimati u obzir i prilikom ocene blagovremenosti registracionih prijava, žalbi i drugih pravnih lekova.
Takođe, u skladu sa Uredbom, svi rokovi propisani Zakonom o privrednim društvima prekidaju se i nastavljaju da teku od dana prestanka vanrednog stanja. Navedeno se odnosi i na započete postupke prinudne likvidacije privrednih društava, bilo da je na Internet strani APR-a objavljeno obaveštenje o privrednom društvu kod koga su se stekli razlozi za prinudnu likvidaciju, ili je doneto i objavljeno rešenje registratora o pokretanju postupka prinudne likvidacije.
Ako imate pitanja u vezi sa ovom temom, pratite naše objave i/ili kontaktirajte Igora Živkovskog, partnera za korporativno pravo i spajanje i preuzimanje u advokatskoj kancelariji Živković Samardžić ili Vašu osobu za redovan kontakt u advokatskoj kancelariji Živković Samardžić.