Execution of agreements during pandemic

by ZS Law

In the midst of the emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, where movement is, if not completely forbidden, hampered by social distancing requirements, the traditional way of execution of agreements by signing paper document in the presence of all counterparts becomes a challenge that is best to be avoided, if possible.

And, it is almost always possible.

Namely, most commercial agreements are not ex lege formal, they do not require a special form or method of creation to be enforceable. On the other hand, proving the exact terms of an informal verbal agreement, in case of dispute, may represent a challenge.

Additionally, most commercial agreements may be concluded as so called „distance contracts“, without the simultaneous physical presence of all parties, by the use of one or more means of distance communication. 

Exceptionally, for certain agreements, the law would set up some specific formal requirements, e.g. they shall be valid only if executed in writing. But even then, such agreements could be executed as electronic documents; by the use of qualified electronic signatures. According to the law in Serbia, a qualified electronic signature shall have the equivalent legal effect of a handwritten signature, while an electronic document shall not be denied legal effect and admissibility as evidence in legal proceedings solely on the grounds that it is in electronic form. 

In order to comply with health and safety orders and recommendations during the pandemic, and allow the business to continue as reasonably possible, companies would have to optimize their execution of agreements procedures.  

For any additional questions on this topic, please follow our updates and contact Slobodan Kremenjak, Partner (slobodan.kremenjak@zslaw.rs), Ivan Ljubisavljević, Senior Associate (ivan.ljubisavljevic@zslaw.rs), or any of your regular contacts at Živković Samardžić.

Kako zaključiti ugovor za vreme COVID-19

U jeku vanrednog stanja izazvanog pandemijom COVID-19, gde je kretanje, ako ne u potpunosti zabranjeno, onda svedeno na nužni minimum, tradicionalni način zaključenja ugovora potpisivanjem papirnog dokumenta u prisustvu obe ugovorne strane kojem prethodi isto tako tradicionalno rukovanje predstavlja model koji bi trebalo polako napuštati ukoliko je to moguće.

A uglavnom je moguće!

Naime, većina ugovora je oslobodjena forme usled čega je za zaključenje dovoljna usmena saglasnost o bitnim sastojcima ugovora. Ovakva način zaključenja ugovora ima i svoje negativne strane pa će tako, u slučaju spora, biti teško dokazati šta su se ugovorne strane tačno dogovorile.

Većinu ugovora moguće je zaključiti i “na daljinu“, dakle bez istovremenog fizičkog prisustva ugovornih strana, isključivom upotrebom jednog ili više sredstava komunikacije na daljinu. 

Problem predstavljaju ugovori za koje je zakonom propisana tačno odredjena forma. Medjutim, čak i takve ugovore, moguće je zaključiti na način prikladan novonastaloj situaciji u formi elektronskog dokumenta uz korišćenje kvalifikovanoga elektronskog potpisa.

Bez obzira na konkretnu delatnost, sve kompanije se suočavaju sa potrebom optimizacije procesa zaključivanja ugovora kako bi se ispoštovale sve zdravstvene i bezbednosne preporuke nametnute usled restrikcije kretanja izazvane pandemijom COVID-19 ali i obaveze koje zahtevaju propisi koji regulišu ovu oblast na način da posao što manje trpi. 

Ako imate pitanja u vezi sa ovom temom, pratite naše objave i/ili kontaktirajte advokate Slobodana Kremenjaka slobodan.kremenjak@zslaw.rs i Ivana Ljubisavljevića ivan.ljubisavljevic@zslaw.rs ili Vašu osobu za redovan kontakt u advokatskoj kancelariji Živković Samardžić.

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