by ZS Law

It’s not uncommon in practice for a company in liquidation procedure not to carry out the procedure until its completion, but over time to find itself in a situation where its accounts are blocked and there are no assets to settle creditors depts. Bearing in mind that the nature of debts is only to increase over time, such companies often become „paralyzed “, which is caused by the most common bankruptcy reasons:

• permanent insolvency,

• over-indebtedness.

If a situation like this occurs, the possibility of closing the company through bankruptcy procedure opens up. The main advantage of this procedure is efficiency and achieving the desired goal in a short period of time.

An important fact that needs to be proven during this procedure is that the obligations of the company are larger than its assets, which prevents the company from fulfilling the existing obligations towards creditors.

As this is a procedure which successful completion requires the cooperation of different professions, it is useful to hire a lawyer in order to successfully finish the procedure by closing the company and deleting it from the Business Registers Agency. The consequence of all the above mentioned is that the company is released from its obligations to creditors.

Under what conditions is possible for the procedure to end in bankruptcy at the first creditors hearing, whether the founder of the company can influence the course of the procedure, how many claims are needed for the procedure not to be suspended, what are the consequences if it is determined that the company in the period before the opening of bankruptcy made dispositions that could have damaged the creditors, are all the questions to which our office with extensive experience in this area can give you an answer.

For all additional information, feel free to contact our partners from the litigation department Miloš V. Milošević, via e-mail address and Ivan Ljubisavljević, via e-mail address, or via our regular contact address


Neretka je situacija u praksi da privredno društvo koje se nalazi u postupku likvidacije ne sprovede postupak do njegovog okončanja, već se protekom određenog vremena nađe u situaciji da su mu računi blokirani, a društvo nema imovine kojom bi izmirilo dugovanja prema poveriocima. Imajući u vidu da je priroda dugovanja takva da se dugovanja protekom vremena isključivo uvećavaju, ovakva društva neretko dolaze u status tzv. „paralize“ prouzrokovane najčešćim stečajnim razlozima i to:

•          trajnijom nesposobnošću plaćanja;

•          prezaduženošću.

Ukoliko dođe do ovakve situacije, otvara se mogućnost gašenja firme bankrotstvom kroz stečajni postupak. Glavna prednost ovog postupka je efikasnost i postizanje željenog cilja u kratkom vremenskom periodu.

Bitna činjenica koju je potrebno dokazati tokom stečajnog postupka jeste da li je pasiva društva, odnosno njegove obaveze, veća od aktive društva, odnosno njegove imovine. Ukoliko je pasiva društva veća od njegove aktive,  društvo je onemogućeno da izvrši postojeće obaveze prema poveriocima.

Kako se radi o postupku za čije uspešno okončanje je potrebno učešće lica iz različitih struka, korisno je angažovati advokata kako bi se postupak uspešno okončao gašenjem firme i brisanjem iz Registra privrednih subjekata koji se vodi u Agenciji za privredne registre Republike Srbije. Posledica svega navedenog je da društvo biva oslobođeno obaveza koje ima prema poveriocima.

Pod kojim uslovima je moguće da se već na prvom poverilačkom ročištu postupak okonča bankrotstvom, da li osnivač društva može da utiče na tok postupka, koliko je prijava potraživanja potrebno da se postupak ne bi obustavio, koje su posledice ako se utvrdi da je društvo u periodu pre otvaranja stečaja vršilo raspolaganja koja su mogla oštetiti poverioce, sve su pitanja na koja Vam naša kancelarija sa velikim iskustvom u ovoj oblasti može dati odgovor.

Za sve dodatne informacije možete se obratiti našim partnerima iz litigation odeljenja Milošu V. Miloševiću, putem e-mail adrese, Ivanu Ljubisavljeviću putem e-mail adrese, ili na adresu za redovan kontakt


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