The White Book 2022, a Foreign Investors Council’s publication and a proclamation of the private sector on the business climate in Serbia, was presented on November 22, 2022, at the event gathering the highest Government …
ZS Law
Litigation Workshop with Dispute Resolution Partner Miloš Milošević and team
by ZS Lawby ZS LawAt Živković Samardžić, one of the Serbia’s leading full-service independent law firms, we constantly invest in our people and foster an environment where individuals flourish. Each year, we take on a number of trainee attorneys …
Srdjan Zerdo and Miroslav Živanović participated at the SEE ENERGY – Connect & Supply V International Investment Conference 2022
by ZS Lawby ZS LawSrdjan Zerdo and Mirolsav Živanović participated as Živković Samardžić Law Office representatives at the SEE ENERGY – Connect & Supply V International Investment Conference 2022 in Novi Sad, organized by Nacionalna asocijacija za biomasu SERBIO and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit …
Kruna Savović amongst the panelists at Regional meeting under the Global Drive for Media Freedom and Safety of Journalists Media Freedom and Safety of Journalists
by ZS Lawby ZS LawKruna Savović, Živković Samardžić Technology, Media, and Telecommunications Partner and the Head of Media Litigation participated as one of the panelists at the Regional meeting under the Global Drive for Media Freedom and Safety of …
Slobodan Kremenjak and Igor Živkovski Represented Živković Samardžić at the Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance Annual Meeting in London
by ZS Lawby ZS LawGlobal Advertising Lawyers Alliance (“GALA”), an alliance of lawyers located throughout the world with expertise and experience in advertising, marketing and promotion law, organized its 20th annual meeting last week in London, the United Kingdom, with Lewis …
Client Updates
Kruna Savović – Posledice događaja kojim je pogođen OK radio, uprkos presudi, trpeće se još dugo
by ZS Lawby ZS LawProvstepeni postupak pokrenut povodom nasliničkog ponašanja koje se odigralo u OK radiju okončan je 11. oktobra 2022. godine u Osnovnom sudu u Vranju. Učinioci tog dela osuđeni su na zatvorske kazne. Advokatica oštećenih Kruna Savović, nakon …
Pogleda na sudski proces može biti više. Jedan od tih pogleda – onaj vredan, umetnički – jeste pogled čuvenog ilustrartora Marka Somborca, koji je nacrtao našu advokaticu Krunu Savović, na zadatku. Kruna Savović – Court …
Deals and CasesNews
Živković Samardžić has Provided Support on the Sale of Arriva Group’s Business in Serbia
by ZS Lawby ZS LawArriva Group, the European passenger transport service provider, has reached an agreement to divest its Danish business “Arriva Danmark A/S” and Serbian business “Arriva Litas d.o.o”, as well as its bus business in Poland “Arriva …
NewsFirm News
Our 19 colleagues ran towards the 25th anniversary ZSLAW on Belgrade Business Run 2022
by ZS Lawby ZS LawThe biggest team building event in Serbia, Belgrade Business Run 2022, was held yesterday, September 29, at Ada Ciganlija. For the 5th consecutive year, our colleagues took part in the Belgrade Business Run, one of …
NewsDeals and Cases
Živković Samardžić Advises TITAN Cementara Kosjerić on Merger with Its Affiliated Company
by ZS Lawby ZS LawŽivković Samardžić has advised TITAN Cementara Kosjerić, the Serbian subsidiary of TITAN Cement Group, on merger with Stari Silo Company, its affiliated company for development of building projects. As a result of the merger, Stari Silo Company ceased to exist …