Date March 12. 2021, the Minister of Health is based on Article 14 of the Decree on measures to prevent and control infectious diseases COVID-19 (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 151/20, 152/20, 153/20, 156/20 158/20, …
NewsClient UpdatesCOVID-19
by ZS Lawby ZS LawOn November 12, 2020, the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia adopted the Law on Amendments to the Law on Protection of the Population from Contagious Diseases (hereinafter: the Law), which entered into force …
The Government of the Republic of Serbia on August 13th, 2020 adopted the Decree on the youth employment promotion Program “My First Salary” (“Official Gazette of the RS”, No. 107 of August 14, 2020, hereinafter: …
National Bank of Serbia has adopted a new Decision on interim measures for banks to mitigate the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic in order to preserve the stability of the financial system in the Republic …
Client UpdatesCOVID-19News
The High Judicial Council adopted a Conclusion on the organization of the work of courts whose seat is on the territory of the local self-government in which the state of emergency has been declared
by ZS Lawby ZS LawOn the 06.07.2020. The High Judicial Council, on the occasion of declaring a state of emergency in some cities of the Republic of Serbia, due to the danger of spreading Coronavirus (COVID – 19), makes …
NewsClient UpdatesCOVID-19
Pravilnik o preventivnim merama za bezbedan i zdrav rad za sprečavanje pojave i širenja epidemije zarazne bolesti
by ZS Lawby ZS LawImajući u vidu da je vanredno stanje u Republici Srbiji okončano, poslodavci i zaposleni su se uglavnom vratili obavljanju svojih redovnih poslovnih aktivnosti. Međutim, ukidanjem vanrednog stanja, epidemija COVID-19 nije okončana, usled čega su se poslodavci …
Client UpdatesCOVID-19News
Conclusion of the High Judicial Council regarding the reduction of the work of courts and prosecutor’s offices in the cities of the Republic of Serbia
by ZS Lawby ZS LawOn 30.06.2020. The High Judicial Council, on the occasion of declaring a state of emergency in some cities of the Republic of Serbia, due to the danger of spreading coronavirus (COVID 19), concludes on the …
Ustavni sud o proglašenju vanrednog stanja – nemogućnost sastajanja Narodne skupštine je faktičko a ne pravno pitanje. Ustav daje prednost reprezetativnosti, ali efikasnost stupa na mesto reprezentativnosti voljom Ustava u situacijama kada mogu nastupiti nesagledivo štetne …
COVID-19NewsClient Updates
Work organization after corona – What should employers do when employees return to work?
by ZS Lawby ZS LawWhat will a return to the employer’s premises look like after a state of emergency? What can employers and employees expect after returning to work? What are the obligations of employers, and what obligations will …