Živkovic Samardžić Law Office, as a new member of the MSI Global Alliance (MSI), participated in the online meeting for the employment of the Special Interest Group. The aim of the online meeting was to …
COVID-19NewsClient Updates
Virtual meeting of the Employment Special Interests Group
by ZS Lawby ZS LawŽivković Samardžić Law Office is an active member of an Association of European Lawyers (AEL). With the postponement of Special Interest Group (SIG) Day in Brussels in March due to the coronavirus outbreak, AEL organized virtual …
On May 6, 2020, the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia adopted the Decision on Lifting the State of Emergency (hereinafter: Decision), which was introduced on March 15, 2020. The Decision was published on …
The Decree on replacement travels – protection for passengers or travel agencies
by ZS Lawby ZS LawOn April 30th, the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications announced on its website that on that day’s session the Government of the Republic of Serbia adopted the Decree on the offer of a replacement …
Since the declaration of state of emergency in Republic of Serbia on March 15th, 2020, several Government regulations and conclusions, as well as recommendations and guidelines of the competent Ministries have been adopted, which should …
NewsClient UpdatesCOVID-19
RS Government adopts regulation on delaying deadlines for holding of company assembly, sending financial statements and submitting tax balance sheets
by ZS Lawby ZS LawOn April 16th 2020, the Government of the Republic of Serbia adopted a Regulation on delaying the deadlines for holding the regular session of a company assembly and for submitting annual and consolidated financial statements …
NewsClient UpdatesCOVID-19
Decree on Program of Financial Support to Business Entities for Maintaining Liquidity
by ZS Lawby ZS LawThe Government of the Republic of Serbia adopted on April 10, 2020 the Decree on Program of Financial Support to Business Entities for Maintaining Liquidity and Working Capital in Aggravated Economic Conditions due to the …
The Government of the Republic of Serbia adopted on April 10, 2020 the Decree on the Procedure for Issue of Debt Securities (hereafter: Decree), which was published on the same day in the “Official Gazette …
Client UpdatesCOVID-19News
Adopted regulation on Fiscal benefits and Directive benefits to businesses in the private sector and money assistance to citizens to make effective economic consequences of diseases COVID-19
by ZS Lawby ZS LawOn April 10, the Government of the Republic of Serbia adopted a Regulation whose main objective is to implement previously planned economic measures to mitigate the economic consequences caused by the COVID-19 disease pandemic. The …
In the midst of the emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, where movement is, if not completely forbidden, hampered by social distancing requirements, the traditional way of execution of agreements by signing paper document in …