The Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance (“GALA”) on Novembar 3, 2021 announces the publication of the second edition of Sweepstakes & Contests: A Global Legal Perspective. The book provides a detailed overview of the laws governing sweepstakes and contests…
Milica Nesic participated in an online meeting on tax benefits for donors
by ZS Lawby ZS LawOn Novembar 3, 2021, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia in cooperation with administrative district Regional Chamber of Commerce of Moravica and Raska, organized an online event presenting the activities of improving the…
The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia is implementing a Gender Equality Law. The implementation of this law implies that the previous Law of Gender Equality seizes to be valid. Gender equality law determines…
Deals and CasesNews
Živković Samardžić Advises Trigal on Its First Investment in Serbia
by ZS Lawby ZS LawŽivković Samardžić has advised Trigal on its investment in 5 urban lighting regeneration public-private partnership projects in Serbia. Projects are led by Resalta, the provider of energy services in the region, and include installation of new…
M&A Trends in Serbia during the Second Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic
by ZS Lawby ZS LawŽivković Samardžić Law Office is an active member of the Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance (GALA), an alliance of lawyers located throughout the world with expertise and experience in advertising, marketing and promotion law. GALA provides a…
Igor Živkovski on the Amendments to the eBusiness Law and Changes of the eIDAS Regulation
by ZS Lawby ZS LawIn 2020, Foreign Investors Council (FIC), an independent business association of the leading foreign investors that are present in Serbia, launched FIC Insight as an additional service to its members and a platform for exchanging…
NewsDeals and Cases
Živković Samardžić Advises Joberty on Angel Investment for Entering Global Market
by ZS Lawby ZS LawŽivković Samardžić has advised Joberty, an online IT business platform that connects employers and candidates into a transparent ecosystem, on early-stage investment by angel investor, Kroog Ventures. With the investment of USD 350,000, this high-potential project…
NewsDeals and Cases
Miloš V. Milošević participated as an expert witness in ICSID arbitration in the International Court of Justice
by ZS Lawby ZS LawMiloš V. Milošević, Živković Samardžić Partner and Head of the Litigation Department participated as an expert witness in ICSID arbitration which was held during July 2021 at the International Court of Justice in the Hague.…
Jovana Jovanović, Živković Samardžić Employment department associate spoke for the PRVA television, a Serbian commercial television network with national coverage. In the program 150 minutes on PRVA TV, Jovana talked about the opportunity of using…
NewsCorporate Social Responsibility
Pokrenuta kampanja „Spasimo hranu, spasimo humanost“
by ZS Lawby ZS LawBeograd, 23. avgust 2021. godine – Sa ciljem da poveća svest građana o problemu bacanja hrane i nedovoljnih donacija hrane, ali i da doprinese unapređenju praksi koje će podstaći povećanje donacija hrane, Koalicija za dobročinstvo…