BELGRADE – On October 9, 2021, the Coalition for Giving and the Serbian Philanthropy Forum marked the fourth National Day of Giving, with support from the United States Agency of International Development (USAID), by recognizing…
Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social ResponsibilityNews
Pokrenuta kampanja „Spasimo hranu, spasimo humanost“
by ZS Lawby ZS LawBeograd, 23. avgust 2021. godine – Sa ciljem da poveća svest građana o problemu bacanja hrane i nedovoljnih donacija hrane, ali i da doprinese unapređenju praksi koje će podstaći povećanje donacija hrane, Koalicija za dobročinstvo…
NewsCorporate Social Responsibility
The Coalition for Giving is calling for the abolition of VAT on food donations
by ZS Lawby ZS LawBelgrade, December 1, 2020 – Ever since the introduction of the value added tax (VAT) in Serbia sixteen years ago, VAT has also been collected on food donations. According to data from 2018, almost 500,000…
Corporate Social ResponsibilityNews
Živković Samardžić on the public discussion of the Draft of the Law on Accounting at the Serbian Chamber of Commerce
by ZS Lawby ZS LawAt the initiative of SMART kolektiv, which was supported by the Koalicija za dobročinstvo (Coalition for benevolence) (LPF) whose members are the representatives of the Živković Samardžić Law Office, Kruna Savović and Nataša Sarić, a public discussion was…
NewsCorporate Social Responsibility
National Philanthropy Conference: The Future of Giving
by ZS Lawby ZS LawWith the idea of participating in the joint initiation of the dialogue on improving the legal and fiscal framework of giving for the common good, philanthropic trends identified in the conducted research projects, as well…