Slobodan Kremenjak, Živković Samardžić Technology, Media, and Telecommunications Partner was amongst those interviewed for the Kvaka 23, a multimedia and multiplatform news and TV interviews service provided by FoNet News Agency on meeting Political criteria for …
In the Media
NewsIn the Media
Kruna Savović, Partner and Head of Media Litigation practice, exclusively provided online answers to media law questions for the Serbian daily Danas
by ZS Lawby ZS LawDanas, Serbian daily newspaper of record has published an article, under the section “IntervjuNaMreži” about the most interesting online questions and answers which the audience asked Kruna Savović, Partner and Head of Media Litigation practice …
NewsIn the Media
An interview with Slobodan Kremenjak published in Diplomacy and Commerce
by ZS Lawby ZS LawSlobodan Kremenjak, Živković Samardžić Technology, Media, and Telecommunications Partner has been interviewed for the March issue of Diplomacy and Commerce on the GDPR topic and why institutions are crucial for implementation of GDPR in Serbia. In the interview, Slobodan …
In the MediaNews
Miloš Stojković, Živković Samardžić Head of Digital authored an article on GDPR for Serbian daily Danas
by ZS Lawby ZS LawDanas, Serbian daily newspaper of record has published an article about what changes does the regulation of the European Union – GDPR bring, where author of the article is Miloš Stojković, Technology, Media and Telecommunications Senior Associate and Head …
NewsIn the Media
Kruna Savović comments the ruling in favour of journalists for B92 and N1: The court showed utmost respect for the interest of public
by ZS Lawby ZS LawB92 and N1 published articles about the ruling rendered by the Supreme Court of Cassation of Serbia in favour of journalists Brankica Stanković and Veran Matić after 12 years of legal battle. Kruna Savović, Živković Samardžić …
NewsIn the Media
Documentary series dealing with murder of journalists and attacks on media featuring Kruna Savović and Miloš Stojković
by ZS Lawby ZS Law“Medijski vrisak”, a SL MEDIA production, Jovana Polić’s three part documentary series dealing with murder of journalists and attacks on media in Serbia, featuring Kruna Savović, Živković Samardžić Partner and Head of Media Litigation practice …
In the MediaNews
An interview with Kruna Savović published in Danas, Serbian daily newspaper of record
by ZS Lawby ZS LawDanas, Serbian daily newspaper of record has published an interview with Kruna Savović, Živković Samardžić Technology, Media, and Telecommunications Senior Associate and a Head of Media Litigation. Kruna joined Živković Samardžić in 2008, after graduating …
NewsIn the Media
Ksenija Golubović Filipović: An Interview with CEE Legal Matters
by ZS Lawby ZS LawCEE Legal Matters, a print and online publication featuring news, interviews, analysis and opinion for and about lawyers and legal markets in Central and Eastern Europe has recently interviewed Ksenija Golubović Filipović, Zivkovic Samardzic Partner, …
NewsIn the Media
Miloš Stojković commented constitutional appeal filed by the group of journalists, activists and actors for the N1
by ZS Lawby ZS LawMiloš Stojković, Živković Samardžić Technology, Media and Telecommunications associate, has commented for the N1, a 24-hour regional cable news channel, a constitutional appeal filed by the group of journalists, activists and actors against the decision …
NewsIn the Media
Živković Samardžić featured in CEE Legal Matters Market Spotlight on Serbia
by ZS Lawby ZS LawSeveral articles from the March 2017 issue of the CEE Legal Matters magazine with the Market Spotlight on Serbia, including an introductory guest editorial by Živković Samardžić’s managing partner Branislav Živković, as well as a …