Igor Petronijević to participate in the Mokra Gora School of Management’s Winter Vivaldi CFO Forum

by ZS Law

Igor Petronijević, Živković Samardžić Associate is to participate in the regional gathering of CFOs, Winter Vivaldi CFO Forum: Financial and Legal Security; Is Everything Under Control? The Forum, organized by the Mokra Gora School of Management, is to be held at Mokra Gora on November 27-29th, 2019 

Even the most profitable and successful businesses can be compromised. Therefore, we should always manage risks within our companies wisely, to ensure that our business is safe enough. Regional economists, government and business leaders are gathering at the Winter Vivaldi CFO Forum later this week to discuss data and information security, fraud prevention software and economic forensics, corrupt practices and internal controls.

Igor Petronijević will participate in the final panel of the Forum, and will, together with select group of lawyers from some of the most prominent Serbian law firms, focus on how to avoid paranoia and navigate business in a way that would help achieving compliance commercially and standing up to scrutiny by the ever increasing powers of surveillance and intervention of regulators. He will share a wealth of experience, gathered both with Živković Samardžić, but also as a former Data Protection Officer for the Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services, Serbian national telecommunications regulatory authority and the National Center for the Prevention of Security Risks in ICT Systems.

You can find more about the Winter Vivaldi CFO Forum at the web site of the Mokra Gora School of Management here, and check the Forum’s Agenda here. Should you have any questions on how to navigate your business in a regulated environment, feel free to contact Igor Petronijević (igor.petronijevic@zslaw.rs), or any of your regular contacts at Živković Samardžić.

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