
Imajući u vidu da je vanredno stanje u Republici Srbiji okončano, poslodavci i zaposleni su se uglavnom vratili obavljanju svojih redovnih poslovnih aktivnosti. Međutim, ukidanjem vanrednog stanja, epidemija COVID-19 nije okončana, usled čega su se poslodavci i zaposleni našli pred izazovom kako obezbediti bezbednost i zdravlje na radu i umanjiti rizik od prenošenja virusa COVID-19 na radnom mestu. Iz tog razloga, Ministarstvo za rad, zapošljavanje, boračka i socijalna pitanja dana 3. jula 2020. godine donelo je Pravilnik o preventivnim merama za bezbedan i zdrav rad za sprečavanje pojave i širenja epidemije zarazne bolesti (,,Službeni glasnik Republike Srbije“ br. 94).
Ovim pravilnikom se propisuju preventivne mere koje je poslodavac dužan da primeni radi sprečavanja pojave i širenja zarazne bolesti i otklanjanja rizika za bezbedan i zdrav rad zaposlenih, kao i lica koja se zateknu u radnoj okolini, kada nadležni organ proglasi epidemiju zarazne bolesti.
Poslodavac je dužan da, za sva radna mesta u radnoj okolini u kojoj se obavlja rad izuzev na terenu i rada od kuće, donese Plan primene mera za sprečavanje pojave i širenja epidemije zarazne bolesti, koji je sastavni deo Akta o proceni rizika koji se donosi saglasno zakonu i propisima iz oblasti bezbednosti i zdravlja na radu. Takođe, Poslodavac je dužan da Plan primene mera, usled nastalih promena koje utiču na bezbedan i zdrav rad tokom trajanja epidemije usaglašava sa odlukama nadležnog organa.
Planom primene mera se utvrđuju mere i aktivnosti kojima se povećava i unapređuje bezbednosti i zdravlje zaposlenih radi sprečavana pojave epidemije zaraznih bolesti, kao i mere i aktivnosti koje se preduzimaju u slučaju pojave epidemije zarazne bolesti, a u cilju bezbednosti i zdravlja na radu zaposlenih i zaštite prisutnih lica.
Plan primene mera obavezno sadrži:
- Preventivne mere i aktivnosti za sprečavanje pojave epidemije zarazne bolesti;
- Zaduženje za sprovođenje i kontrolu sprovođenja preventivnih mera i aktivnosti;
- Mere i aktivnosti za postupanje u slučaju pojave epidemije zarazne bolesti.
Poslodavac je dužan da na svakom radnom mestu u radnoj okolini obezbedi primenu propisanih preventivnih mera, a naročito da:
- Pre početka rada obezbedi pisane instrukcije i uputstva o merama i postupcima za sprečavanje pojave epidemije zarazne bolesti, koje sadrži informaciju o simptomima zarazne bolesti;
- U skladu sa mogućnostima, ukoliko nije organizovan rad u smenama, izvrši preraspodelu radnog vremena uvođenjem druge ili treće smene sa manjim brojem zaposlenih;
- Sprovodi pojačanu higijenu i dezinfekciju radnih i pomoćnih prostorija, kao i čišćene svih površina koje se često dodiruju na radnom mestu, kao što su toaleti, kvake na vratima, fiksni telefoni, računarska oprema i druga oprema za rad..
U slučaju pojave zarazne bolesti kod zaposlenih, Poslodavac je u obavezi da obezbedi primenu preventivnih mera, a naročito da:
- Prostor u kome je boravio zaposleni koji je zaražen redovno fizički i hemijski dezinfikuje i provetrava;
- Poštuje sve procedure ulaska i izlaska u prostorije poslodavca, koristi propisana sredstva i opremu za ličnu zaštitu na radu i druge mere zaštite tokom procesa rada;
- Svede kontakte zaposlenih iz organizacione jedinice u kojoj je boravio zaposleni koji je zaražen sa drugim zaposlenima samo na nužne uz propisane mere zaštite..
Poslodavac je dužan da u Planu primene mera uredi obaveze i odgovornosti u vezi sa praćenjem i kontrolom primene mera bezbednosti i zdravlja na radu, dok samu proveru efikasnosti primene mera kod poslodavca vrši lice za bezbednost i zdravlje na radu.
Pored obaveza koje poslodavac treba da sprovede, ovim Pravilnikom se utvrđuje i niz obaveza kojih zaposleni treba da se pridržavaju a između ostalog da:
- Sprovode sve preventivne mere;
- Namenski koriste propisana sredstva i opremu za ličnu zaštitu na radu i dodatno brinu o svojoj higijeni tako što će redovno i pravilno prati ruke vodom;
- Obavezno obaveste poslodavca ukoliko posumnjaju na simptome zarazne bolesti kod sebe, kod drugih zaposlenih ili članova svoje porodice, kao i da obaveste poslodavca o svim nepravilnostima i štetnostima koje bi na radnom mestu mogle da ugroze bezbednost i zdravlje..
Ovaj Pravilnik stupa na snagu 11. jula 2020. godine, a u roku od 30 dana od dana stupanja na snagu, poslodavci su u obavezi da usvoje Plan primene mera i da izmene Akt o proceni rizika.
Ako imate bilo kakva pitanja u vezi sa ovom temom, budite slobodni da kontaktirate Anu Popović: ana.popovic@zslaw.rs, partnera u advokatskoj kancelariji Živković Samardžić ili Vašu redovnu kontakt osobu u advokatskoj kancelariji Živković Samardžić.
Rulebook on preventive measures for safe and healthy work to prevent the occurrence and spread of an epidemic of infectious diseases
Having in mind that the state of emergency in the Republic of Serbia has ended, employers and employees have mostly returned to performing their regular business activities. However, the lifting of the state of emergency did not end the COVID-19 epidemic, which put employers and employees in a challenge to ensure safety and health at work and reduce the risk of transmitting the COVID-19 virus in the workplace. For that reason, on July 3th, 2020, the Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veterans and Social Affairs adopted the Rulebook on preventive measures for safe and healthy work to prevent the occurrence and spread of an epidemic of infectious diseases (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia” no. 94).
This Rulebook prescribes preventive measures that the employer is obliged to apply in order to prevent the occurrence and spread of infectious diseases and eliminate risks for safe and healthy work of employees, as well as persons found in the work environment, when the competent authority declares an epidemic of infectious diseases.
The employer is obliged to, for all workplaces in the work environment in which work is performed, except in the field and work from home, adopt a Plan for the implementation of measures to prevent the occurrence and spread of epidemics of infectious diseases, which is an integral part of the Risk Assessment Act, which shall be adopted in accordance with law and regulations in the field of safety and health at work. Also, the Employer is obliged to harmonize the Plan of implementation of measures, due to the changes that affect safe and healthy work during the epidemic, with the decisions of the competent authority.
The implementation plan determines measures and activities that increase and improve the safety and health of employees in order to prevent the outbreak of infectious diseases, as well as measures and activities taken in case of an epidemic of infectious diseases, for the purpose of safety and health at work of employees and protection of the present persons.
The plan for the implementation of measures must contain:
- Preventive measures and activities to prevent the outbreak of an infectious disease epidemic;
- Responsibility for implementation and control of implementation of preventive measures and activities;
- Measures and activities for action in case of an outbreak of an infectious disease…
The employer is obliged to ensure the application of the prescribed preventive measures at every workplace in the work environment, and in particular to:
- Before starting work, provide written instructions and instructions on measures and procedures to prevent the outbreak of an infectious disease epidemic, which contains information on the symptoms of an infectious disease;
- In accordance with the possibilities, if work in shifts is not organized, redistribute working hours by introducing the second or third shift with a smaller number of employees;
- It provides enhanced hygiene and disinfection of work and auxiliary rooms, as well as cleaning of all surfaces that are frequently touched in the workplace, such as toilets, door handles, landlines, computer equipment and other work equipment…
In the case of an infectious disease in employees, the employer is obliged to ensure the application of preventive measures, and in particular to:
- The area in which the infected employee stayed is regularly physically and chemically disinfected and ventilated;
- Respects all procedures for entering and exiting the employer’s premises, uses the prescribed means and equipment for personal protection at work and other protection measures during the work process;
- Reduces the contacts of employees from the organizational unit in which the employee who was infected was staying, with other employees only to the necessary ones with the prescribed protection measures..
The employer is obliged to regulate the obligations and responsibilities in the Implementation Plan regarding the monitoring and control of the application of safety and health measures at work, while the check of the effectiveness of the application of measures by the employer is performed by the person for safety and health at work.
In addition to the obligations that the employer should implement, this Rulebook also establishes a number of obligations which employees should adhere to, and among other things, to:
- Implement all preventive measures;
- They purposefully use the prescribed means and equipment for personal protection at work and additionally take care of their hygiene by washing their hands regularly and correctly with water;
- Be sure to inform the employer if they suspect symptoms of a contagious disease in themselves, other employees or family members, as well as to inform the employer of any irregularities and harms that could endanger safety and health in the workplace..
This Rulebook enters into force on July 11th, 2020, and within 30 days from the day of entry into force, employers are obliged to adopt the Implementation Plan and amend the Risk Assessment Act.
If you have any questions or need additional information regarding this topic, we invite you to follow our newsletters and/ or contact Ana Popovic, ana.popovic@zslaw.rs. Partner in the employment department at the Zivkovic Samardzic law office, as well as the regular contact at the Zivkovic Samardzic law office at office@zslaw.rs.