On April 16th 2020, the Government of the Republic of Serbia adopted a Regulation on delaying the deadlines for holding the regular session of a company assembly and for submitting annual and consolidated financial statements of companies, cooperatives, other legal entities and entrepreneurs, as well as deadlines for filing income tax returns and taxes on income from self-employment, the validity of licenses of certified auditors and licenses for assessing the value of real estate that expire during the state of emergency caused by the COVID-19 disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus (hereinafter: the Regulation).
The Regulation stipulates that the deadline for submission of annual financial statements with the auditor’s report for all taxpayers whose reporting is regulated by the Law on Capital Market, the Law on Investment Funds or the Law on Alternative Investment Funds with a Public Offering is postponed to 60 days from the date of termination of the state of emergency. Regarding the reporting required by the Law on Accounting, it is stipulated that the period for regular annual financial statements is postponed to 90 days from the termination of the state of emergency, while the period for the consolidated financial statements is postponed to the period of 120 days from the date of termination of the state of emergency.
Regarding the deadlines for filing the corporate income tax and taxes on income from self-employment, the Regulation stipulates the following dynamics:
- corporate taxpayers file a corporate income tax return within 90 days from the date of the termination of the state of emergency for corporate taxpayers with a tax period equal to the calendar year and for corporate tax payers with a tax period different from the calendar year;
- payers of self-employment income tax who keep business records in accordance with Article 43 para. 2 and 3 of the Law on Personal Income Tax file a tax return and a tax balance sheet within 90 days from the date of termination of the state of emergency.
Finally, the Regulation also stipulates that the deadline for holding a regular session of the General Meeting of Shareholders under Article 364 of the Law on Companies is postponed to 90 days from the date of termination of the state of emergency.
For additional news and announcements follow our COVID-19 blog, and should you have any further questions, feel free to contact us.
Vlada RS usvojila uredbu o pomeranju rokova za održavanje redovne sednice skupštine privrednog društva, dostavljanje finansijskih izveštaja i podnošenje poreskog bilansa za vreme vanrednog stanja
16. aprila 2020. godine, Vlada Republike Srbije usvojila je Uredbu o pomeranju rokova za održavanje redovne sednice skupštine privrednog društva i dostavljanje godišnjih i konsolidovanih finansijskih izveštaja privrednih društava, zadruga, drugih pravnih lica i preduzetnika, kao i rokova za podnošenje prijava za porez na dobit i poreza na prihod od samostalne delatnosti, važenja licenci ovlašćenih revizora i licenci za vršenje procene vrednosti nepokretnosti koje ističu za vreme vanrednog stanja nastalog usled bolesti COVID-19 izazvane virusom SARS-CoV-2 (u daljem tekstu: Uredba).
Uredbom je propisano da se rok za predaju godišnjih finansijskih izveštaja sa izveštajem revizora za sve obveznike čije je izveštavanje uređeno Zakonom o tržištu kapitala, Zakonom o investicionim fondovima ili Zakonom o alternativnim investicionim fondovima sa javnom ponudom, pomera na rok od 60 dana od dana prestanka vanrednog stanja. Što se tiče izveštavanja koje je uređeno Zakonom o računovodstvu, propisano je da se rok za redovne godišnje finansijske izveštaje pomera na rok od 90 dana od ukidanja vanrednog stanja, dok se rok za konsolidovane finansijske izveštaje pomera na rok od 120 dana od dana prestanka vanrednog stanja.
U pogledu rokova za podnošenje poreske prijave za porez na dobit pravnih lica i poreza na prihod od samostalne delatnosti, Uredbom je propisana sledeća dinamika:
- obveznici poreza na dobit pravnih lica podnose prijavu za porez na dobit pravnih lica u roku od 90 dana od dana prestanka vanrednog stanja za obveznike poreza na dobit pravnih lica kojima je poreski period jednak kalendarskoj godini i za obveznike poreza na dobit pravnih lica kojima je poreski period različit od kalendarske godine;
- obveznici poreza na prihod od samostalne delatnosti koji vode poslovne knjige u skladu sa članom 43. st. 2. i 3. Zakona o porezu na dohodak građana podnose poresku prijavu i poreski bilans u roku 90 dana od dana prestanka vanrednog stanja.
Najzad, Uredbom je takođe propisano da se rok za održavanje redovne sednice skupštine društva iz člana 364. Zakona o privrednim društvima pomera na rok od 90 dana od dana prestanka vanrednog stanja.
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