What are the new amendments to the Law on Planning and Construction bringing?

by ZS Law

At the session of the Government of the Republic of Serbia held on May 4th, 2023, the members of the Government adopted the Proposal of Amendments to the Law on Planning and Construction, which brings several important changes in the field of construction. The introduction of these novelties in the construction industry in Serbia is expected to facilitate the process of issuing building permits, improve the energy efficiency of buildings, reduce negative impact on the environment, and encourage the development of sustainable practices in construction.

The most significant novelty that the new law should introduce is the abolition of the conversion of the right to use into the right of ownership of construction land with compensation (conversion of construction land with compensation) for certain categories of individuals. Since the application of current regulations has not realized its potential to end the process of property transformation of construction land, it was necessary to find a new legal solution. According to the new legal solution, the payment of compensation for conversion is abolished except for the following group of individuals whose position will be determined by special regulations, which include sports associations and clubs, housing and agricultural cooperatives, as well as individuals to whom Annex G of the succession applies.

An important novelty is the recognition and definition of the concept of “green construction” and other elements of the green agenda. Accordingly, the Draft Law stipulates that energy efficiency, sustainable materials and technologies, waste management, water and air protection, and similar issues must be taken into account in the planning and construction of buildings.

Another new term appearing in the Draft Law is “E-space,” referring to the information system for spatial planning and construction. The introduction of this system is expected to facilitate the processes of issuing building permits and other necessary permits.

In addition, the Draft Law introduces the obligation to establish the Agency for Spatial Planning and Urbanism of the Republic of Serbia, which will take over some of the competencies that have so far been under the jurisdiction of the state authorities. All planning documents adopted in accordance with this law will be recorded in the Central Register of Planning Documents, which will be under the authority of the Agency.

Moreover, the Draft Law stipulates the obligation of local self-government units to provide information on “brownfield” locations within their territory, which are industrial and commercial facilities that have not been used for a long period of time but have the potential for urban renewal, within six months. The Agency is obliged to compile a data register of these locations within six months of receiving the data on “brownfield” locations and make it publicly available. For more information regarding the future implementation of the Law on Planning and Construction, as well as complete legal assistance in this regard, please feel free to contact our lawyers Uros Djordjevic (uros.djordjevic@zslaw.rs), Srdjan Zerdo (srdjan.zerdo@zslaw.rs), and Miroslav Zivanovic (miroslav.zivanovic@zslaw.rs).

Šta donose nove izmene Zakona o planiranju i izgradnji?

Na sednici Vlade Republike Srbije održanoj 04.05.2023. godine, članovi Vlade usvojili su Predlog zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona o planiranju i izgradnji koji donosi nekoliko važnih promena u oblasti građevinarstva. Uvođenjem ovih novina u oblasti građevinarstva u Srbiji očekuje se olakšavanje procesa izdavanja dozvola za gradnju, unapređenje energetske efikasnosti objekata, smanjenje negativnog uticaja na životnu sredinu i podsticanje razvoja održivih praksi u građevinarstvu.

Najnačajnija novina koju bi novi zakon trebao da uvede jeste ukidanje pretvaranja prava korišćenja u pravo svojine na građevinskom zemljištu uz naknadu (konverzija građevinskog zemljišta uz naknadu) za određene kategorije lica. S obzirom da primena sadašnjih propisa nije ostvarila svoje potencijale sa ciljem okončanja procesa svojinske transformacije građevinskog zemljišta, bilo je neophodno pronaći novo zakonsko rešenje. Prema novom zakonskom rešenju ukida se plaćanje naknade za konverziju izuzev za sledeći krug lica čiji će položaj biti određen posebnim propisima, a u koja spadaju: sportska društva i udruženja, stambene i zemljoradničke zadruge, kao i lica na koja se primenjuje Aneks G o sukcesiji.

Važna novina je prepoznavanje i definisanje pojmova “zelene gradnje” i ostalih elemenata zelene agende. U skladu s tim, Nacrt zakona propisuje da se pri planiranju i izgradnji objekata mora voditi računa o energetskoj efikasnosti, održivim materijalima i tehnologijama, upravljanju otpadom, zaštiti vode i vazduha, i slično.

Još jedan novi termin koji se pojavljuje u Nacrtu zakona je “E-prostor”, koji se odnosi na informacioni sistem za prostorno planiranje i izgradnju. Uvođenjem ovog sistema očekuje se da će se olakšati procesi izdavanja dozvola za gradnju i drugih potrebnih dozvola.

Pored toga, Nacrt zakona uvodi i obavezu formiranja Agencije za prostorno planiranje i urbanizam Republike Srbije, koja će preuzeti deo nadležnosti koje su do sada bile u nadležnosti državnog organa. Svi planski dokumenti koji se donose u skladu sa ovim zakonom biće evidentirani u Centralnom registru planskih dokumenata, koji će biti u nadležnosti Agencije.

Takođe, Nacrt zakona propisuje obavezu jedinica lokalne samouprave da u roku od šest meseci dostave podatke o “brownfield” lokacijama na svojoj teritoriji, koje su industrijski i komercijalni objekti koji se ne koriste u dužem vremenskom periodu, a imaju potencijal za urbanu obnovu. Agencija je dužna da u roku od šest meseci od dostavljanja podataka o “brownfield” lokacijama sačini registar podataka o tim lokacijama i učini ga javno dostupnim. Za detaljnije informacije u vezi sa budućom primenom Zakona o planiranju i izgradnji, kao i kompletnu pravnu pomoć u vezi sa tim, slobodno kontaktirajte naše advokate Uroša Đorđevića (uros.djordjevic@zslaw.rs), Srđana Zerda (srdjan.zerdo@zslaw.rs) i Miroslava Živanovića (miroslav.zivanovic@zslaw.rs).

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