What will a return to the employer’s premises look like after a state of emergency?
- What can employers and employees expect after returning to work?
- What are the obligations of employers, and what obligations will employees have after corona?
How to organize work after a state of emergency?
- Validity of the Decree and the decision on the introduction of work from home
- Which measures to apply to prevent spread of COVID-19?
How to resolve labor issues that arise as a result of a state of emergency?
- Transportation of employees
- Use of annual vacation
- Self-isolation and salary compensation
- Exposure to the COVID-19 virus in the workplace – an injury at work or an occupational disease?
- Special / sensitive groups of employees
These are just some of the issues discussed at the online seminar held by Ana Popović, Partner and Head of Employment Department organized by Forum Media.
Numerous rules of conduct for employees and obligations for employers were brought about by the pandemic of the infectious disease COVID-19. The question is whether the adoption of regulations that would regulate the obligations of employers in order to prevent coronavirus is late. The adoption of the Decree on preventive measures for safe and healthy work for the prevention and spread of the infectious disease COVID-19 caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus is expected. The Decree prescribes a series of measures and obligations for employers and employees, such as the adoption of a Plan of preventive measures and activities for all jobs as an integral part of the risk assessment act. The plan consists of 3 parts:
– measures to prevent the occurrence of infectious disease
– implementation and control of measures
– measures in case of infectious disease
As part of measures to prevent the occurrence of infectious disease, employers are obliged to provide written instructions and instructions for employees, contactless measurement of temperature of employees and persons entering the employer’s premises, personal protective equipment – protective masks, gloves, visors or goggles, footwear disinfection, distance between employees at least 2 meters, redistribution of working hours and introduction of work in shifts, hygiene and disinfection, disinfectants, work in separate rooms, installation of physical barriers, etc. Obligations of the Person for Safety and Health at Work regarding the implementation and control of measures to prevent the occurrence of infectious disease are introduced.
As part of measures to act in case of contagious disease, if the employee coughs, has difficulty breathing, has a fever, the employer should isolate the employee in a separate room by opening a window, report to the competent institution and inform employees about possible exposure to the virus.
These are just some of the obligations defined by the proposed Decree. Many employers are already implementing most of the measures in order to protect the health of employees. However, the proposal of the Decree has caused a number of doubts and potential problems in practice. If you have any questions please contact Ana Popović, Partner and Head of Employment Department or any of your regular contacts at Živković Samardžić Law Office.
Organizacija rada nakon korone – Šta poslodavci treba da urade kada se zaposleni vrate na posao?
Kako će izgledati povratak u prostorije poslodavca nakon vanrednog stanja?
- Šta poslodavci i zaposleni mogu da očekuju nakon povratka na rad?
- Koje su obaveze poslodavaca, a koje obaveze će imati zaposleni nakon korone?
Kako organizovati rad nakon vanrednog stanja?
- Važenje Odluke i rešenja o uvođenju rada od kuće
- Koje mere primeniti kako bi se sprečilo širenje virusa COVID-19?
Kako rešiti radnopravna pitanja koja se javljaju kao posledica vanrednog stanja?
- Prevoz zaposlenih
- Korišćenje godišnjih odmora
- Samoizolacija i naknada zarade
- Izloženost virusu COVID-19 na radnom mestu – povreda na radu ili profesionalno oboljenje?
- Posebne/osetljive grupe zaposlenih
Ovo su samo neka od pitanja o kojima se pričalo na online seminaru koji je održala Ana Popović, Partner i Head of Employment Department u organizaciji Forum Media.
Mnogobrojna pravila ponašanja zaposlenih i obaveze za poslodavce je donela pandemija zarazne bolesti COVID-19. Postavlja se pitanje da li se kasni sa usvajanjem propisa koji bi regulisali obaveze poslodavaca u cilju sprečavanja korona virusa. Očekuje se usvajanje Uredbe o preventivnim merama za bezbedan i zdrav rad za sprečavanje i širenje zarazne bolesti COVID-19 izazvane virusom SARS-CoV-2. Uredbom je propisan niz mera i obaveza za poslodavce i zaposlene, kao što je donošenje Plana preventivnih mera i aktivnosti za sva radna mesta kao sastavni deo akta o proceni rizika. Plan se sastoji iz 3 dela:
– mere za sprečavanje pojave zarazne bolesti
– sprovođenje i kontrola mera
– mere u slučaju pojave zarazne bolesti
U okviru mera za sprečavanje pojave zarazne bolesti, poslodavci su dužni da obezbede pisane instrukcije i uputstva za zaposlene, beskontaktno merenje temperature zaposlenih i lica koja ulaze u prostorije poslodavca, ličnu zaštitnu oprema – zaštitne maske, rukavice, vizir ili zaštitne naočare, dezinfekciju obuće, udaljenost među zaposlenima najmanje 2 metra, preraspodelu radnog vremena i uvođenje rada po smenama, higijenu i dezinfekciju, dezinfekciona sredstva, rad u odvojenim prostorijama, postavljanje fizičkih barijera i sl. Uvode se obaveze Lica za bezbednost i zdravlje na radu u pogledu sprovođenja i kontrola mera za sprečavanje pojave zarazne bolesti.
U okviru mera za postupanje u slučaju pojave zarazne bolesti, ukoliko zaposleni kašlje, otežano diše, ima povišenu temperaturu, poslodavac treba da izoluje zaposlenog u odvojenu prostoriju uz otvaranje prozora, prijavi nadležnoj ustanovi i obavesti zaposlene o mogućoj izloženosti virusu.
To su samo jedne od obaveza koje su definisane predlogom Uredbe. Mnogi poslodavci već primenjuju veći deo mera u cilju zaštite zdravlja zaposlenih. Međutim, predlog Uredbe je izazvao i niz nedoumica i potencijalne probleme u praksi.
If you have any questions please contact Ana Popović, Partner and Head of Employment Department or any of your regular contacts at Živković Samardžić Law Office.